The GAPS diet, based on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, was developed by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, MMedSci (neurology), MMedSci (human nutrition), as a “natural treatment for autism, ADHD/ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression and schizophrenia.”
GAPS stands for "Gut and Psychology Syndrome."
The concept: “Bad” gut microbes produce neurotoxins, as well as cause intestinal damage and malnutrition.
There are two parts: the Introduction Diet (in six stages) and the Full GAPS Diet. Both are whole food diets without refined sugar or processed foods.
The Introduction Diet uses: homemade meat/fish stock (broth); homemade soup with vegetables and meats; eggs; cultured dairy, cultured vegetables, or fermented fish; healthy fats. It advances to include foods baked from nut flours, cooked fruit, and finally raw fruits.
The Full GAPS diet emphasizes: meat, eggs, fish, fresh vegetables and fruit, nuts and seeds, natural healthy fats, olive oil, garlic, and cultured foods. For at least two years, grains, sugar, and starchy vegetables should be avoided. Long-term avoidance is recommended of wheat, sugar, processed foods, and food additives.
/ animal products: Broth, meat, fish, eggs, raw and cultured dairy
Prohibited; alternative grains allowed at a late stage
cultured foods, organ meats, raw dairy
Website: The Gut And Psychology Diet